Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Big Day Has Come And Gone Noticably Baby Free

Oh well, only 5% of babies are born on their due date so I ain't sweatin' it. I just really liked the day itself January 31st...a Saturday. Sounds like a good day to be born. But February is a great month as well. Just ask my brother, sister and Uncle.

I had my last prenatal midwife appointment yesterday, sad. I loved going in to the doctors surgery to have the belly measured, listen to the baby's heartbeat and be reassured by my midwife about all my fears. But I won't see her again until the day after the we take baby home. Then she'll come round every week or so to check on us both.

So today I'm feeling crampy, tight, unable to move much and uncomfortable in a new way. But I think it's mostly psychosomatic to be honest. Just knowing that I'm officially "overdue" starting tomorrow is making my body go all funny.

I have an induction appointment on February 12th, but I really don't want to go down that road. So let's all be thinking good labor starting thoughts in the next few days and see what happens. I'll continue to drink the raspberry leaf tea, go for walks and bounce on the birthing ball. Together we shall will this baby to come out of his cozy little nest.

Monday, January 19, 2009

13 More Days Till Possible Baby Droppage!

The official count down has begun! But mark my words, this child will be born in February. My moneys on one week late, so around February 7th. However I swear I'm going into labour every night at about 2:00am when I'm awoken by horrible cramps in my belly region. But it always turns out that I just have to pee like a ninja.

Can I just take this opportunity to do a bit of bitchun? K, thanks...

Dude, this part of pregnancy is soooooo hard! It's way more uncomfortable than I thought it would be! For example: I can now only sleep on my left hand side (which is like prison in your own bed), I have to take a breather on the middle of the stairs, I need help getting out of the bathtub, I can't tie my own shoes, shaving my "side burns" has jumped up the danger scale to that of angry bear wrestling due to the fact that I can't actually see down there AT ALL, getting off the couch should be considered an Olympic event, I can only eat very small meals or my stomach feels like it's going to burst open, I walk like a toddler in five inch platforms and I'm farting constantly.

Yay pregnant!

In other news...we had a smashing party at ours last weekend for my birthday. Loads of people came over and I got lots of great gifts and cards! Since it was relatively alcohol free we made a big effort with the food. Paul made a great spinach and coconut curry, we had a cheese board, veggie tray and I made my mom's most amazing zucchini bread.

One of my favorite gifts was this box of delicious home made chocolates from Terry and Stu. Needless to say it's already gone.

This baby is like 90% zucchini bread, cause I've made it so many times. It's one of my main cravings. Over here they don't use the word zucchini, it's "courgette" (oh la,la!)

So far the Doonlet is still head down (yess!!) but we are back to back (nooooooo!!!!) which means a longer and more painful labour. Oh god no. But it's better than breech which means a c-section. He still has ample time to change position so all is not lost. I can tell that he's running out of room in there as his movements get stronger but smaller and he always kicks and pushes in the same spots on both sides.

Interesting fact I learned from the BBC recently, babies are born preferring the accent of their mothers. Ha! Score one for the American half of this Brit baby!! Sorry Paul, you'll just have to put on your crap American accent if you want any attention from your son.

I've had the funniest reactions from the black and white belly shots I posted! Mainly "Jesus Christ!" and "Whoa!" and my personal favorite "Belly-Yes. Button-No" (Pants, you so funny!). I spose I did forget to mention the fact that my belly button is gone. And here I always thought they got bigger! But mines gone on walkabout.

My beautiful and good friend Leah has suggested I post a blog when I go into labour. Which I have now taken as a challenge. I plan on labouring at home as long as possible so I'm gonna try my hardest to let everyone know when it all kicks off.

And the best news of best friend Jenn has officially bought her tickets to Birmingham!!!! I can't believe someone is actually visiting us!!! She gets here on February 20th and leaves much too soon after that. She's coming to help with the baby. So lets all hope that there's a baby to help with by that time.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Belly At 37 Weeks

50% More Artsy, 100% More Fartsy!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Review

Beanie got a new outfit for Christmas

One of my favorite British holiday traditions: Christmas crackers!

One person grabs one end and another person grabs the other and you both pull. There's a little bang and one of you is left with the big end where all the goodies are and the other person is left with nothing, fun! Inside every one you get a hat, joke and small toy.

Grape juice in a wine glass. Pathetic. Oh Merlot, how I miss thee!

Paul made a fantastic Christmas turkey with all the trimmin's. Please note the stockings hung by the chimney with care.

Well another holiday season is over, which means two things. One, I'll be another year older very soon (tomorrow the 5th in fact!) And two I really have to start thinking about how I'm gonna get this kid out.

We got to tour the Birth Center at the women's hospital a few weeks early cause we were there for a scan to check on my low laying placenta (which has moved up now BTW). We had a tour of the delivery suite during our antenatal classes but the Birth Center (or should I say "centre"?) is totally different. They are literally right next door to to each other but couldn't be more opposite.

The Birth Center is completely midwife led and focuses on natural childbirth. The only real pain relief they offer is gas and air. But they also have all that stuff I mentioned before (the birth pool, birth balls, labor slings and the like). The ladies that work there are very laid back and nice. They have all the scary equipment tucked out of sight into the walls. You can bring your ipod player. They have multiple rooms for husbands to chill out in, should they need a small break. And a kitchen stocked with tea, sandwiches and snacks. And if at any point you decide to partake in some of the stronger stuff you just walk down the hall into the delivery suite and wham! hello epidural!

Just as we were ending our tour and I was feeling all warm, fuzzy and confident about this natural childbirth thing I heard it. It was gutteral, primitive, loud and it scared the shit out of me. It was a woman giving birth the oh-isn't-it-just-so-great natural way. In other words she was screaming her face off behind a closed door down the hall and it sounded like she was right next to me. Oh. My. God. That's it...I'm out. I changed my mind. I don't know who this kid is comin' out of but it ain't me.

An Open Letter To My Unborn Son,

Please be kind to mommy. Have a small, moldable cranium. Come into this world with the quickness. And don't forget mommy can make or break you. I'm not someone you want to mess with.

Kisses, Mom